International Organ Days Zurich - Jazz Concert with Organ

International Organ Days Zurich - Jazz Concert with Organ

© Orgelbau Kuhn AG

International Organ Days Zurich - Jazz Concert with Organ

Sat 27. May 2023 18.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Sun 28. May 2023 11.15 Grosse Tonhalle
Sun 28. May 2023 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Mon 29. May 2023 16.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Mon 29. May 2023 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
David Timm Orgel
Nicole Johänntgen Saxophon
Pius Baschnagel Schlagzeug
Andy Haderer Trompete
Programm nach Ansage
Jazzkompositionen nach J.S. Bach, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Liszt u.a.
Orgelsoloimprovisationen und Jazzstandards nach Wünschen aus dem Publikum
Organizer Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG
Programme Notes
Internationale Orgeltage Zürich

After the great success of Barbara Dennerlein at the Organ Days 2022, we are reviving this exciting combination, this time expanded by the instruments saxophone and trumpet. We were able to win David Timm for the jazzy style of organ playing. He has been Leipzig's university music director since 2005 and is thus the director of the Leipzig University Choir. In this combination, he has been a guest at international festivals such as the Leipzig Bach Festival, the Tallinn Organ Festival and the Appenzell Bach Days.

The International Organ Days were conceived by concert organist Prof. Christian Schmitt, in consultation with Dr. Hans-Peter Fricker, President of the Friends of the new Zurich Tonhalle organ. They will be curated by Christian Schmitt and Prof. Tobias Willi in 2023.

Order your organ pass for all five concerts here

Find out more about the Organ Days here.